Our highly trained team of professional staff can offer advice and assistance to our clients on all Import related services.
Through our global network of agents, we can provide ‘traceability’ and control of the shipment from the moment the order is placed.
Up to date information is provided by utilising our computerised links to both airlines and H.M. Customs & Excise enabling complete visibility on an ongoing basis.
For more information about Excel’s Airfreight Services please call us on 01932 778134 or use the Contact Page
We offer a complete range of ‘Export Services’ in consideration of our customers’ requirements. We collect from all over the UK on a daily basis feeding into our trunker network which enables overnight deliveries to any UK point.
We have various services from must fly (IATA) production line stoppages to a more economical consolidation service.
In conjunction with our Global agents in over 100 countries around the world we serve in excess of 900 destinations.
We provide a ‘Freight Management’ service for customers who want a tailored solution to their freight requirements.
This can be just simplified statistics and re-ports or total management on a customers site including implants from our company to help run your business.
Whatever the requirement we can provide the solution to include:
For more information about Excel’s Airfreight Services and costs please call us on 01932 778134 or use the Contact Page
There will always be that ‘Special’ shipment but how many times is it treated this way?
That is why we have a dedicated team of expert staff that are on call 24hrs a day, 7 days a week to immediately analyse your requirements and identify the ideal transport solution to the most challenging movement.
The progress of your time critical shipment is monitored the moment it is entrusted to our company all the way through to final delivery.
Whether it’s a vital part for an aircraft on the ground, a delicate antique or an item of life saving medical equipment, we can move it with the speed and with the care you expect.
We provide solutions to include: